Unpublished post
Thoughts About Online Physio

It goes without saying that the pandemic has forced a shift in the way we all go about our lives. At Ashton Physiotherapy it has meant switching to online consultations. This has been a big learning curve but has led to many new oportunities. For example we now have clients in Brighton, London, and Edinburgh!
We have also found very few restrictions in being able to help our clients via virtual sessions. Most of the assessment and diagnosis in a physiotherapy session actually takes place during the conversation at the start anyway, and so we have been able to offer everyone a thorough assessment, diagnosis and treatment plan.
Feedback from patients has been that they've gained a new sense of empowerment and control over their bodies, through having the opportunity to change their own pain with guidance and suggestion, rather than feeling that they might always need manual treatment. I've found that the online consultations seem to provide more time to dig deeply into the background behind a person's ongoing issues, explore compounding factors, and openly discuss the best way forward. I've enjoyed the challenge of trying to teach clients to test and treat themselves, the rare opportunity to see people in their natural habitats, and the occasional cup of tea just off camera!
To those of you who I have seen online thus far... Thanks for allowing me into your homes and for being open to new ways of doing things!
Warm wishes,